Hello SFHIMA family!


It is a special honor and privilege to serve as the South Florida Health Information Management Association (SFHIMA) President for the 2020-2021 year.

As we face the “New Normal” of virtual concepts and healthcare obstacles, as leaders, we share some responsibility in guiding, mentoring, and supporting those entering the health information management industry.


Change has always been “constant” in Healthcare. As we transition through the techy 21st century, be aware of new and exciting breakthroughs in modern medicine and HIM. Challenge yourself to explore ways of re-inventing our image and promoting our skills to meet the needs of the “NEW” HIM workplace. Members As always, I will seek guidance from you regarding meeting educational content and seeking creative ways to earn CEUs.


Becoming an active SFHIMA member or guest, participants will find purpose, value, and unequaled opportunities for professional growth. I look forward to working with the outstanding members of SFHIMA, our executive board and committee chairs to reach new heights while continuing to work hard ensuring our members remain engaged and knowledgeable in critical areas of HIM.


This year, SFHIMA will strive to make a meaningful and memorable impression on your educational advancement by offering a variety of FREE webinars and CEUs. We hope to fill the FHIMA Scorecard with data-driven, community service, and member engagement. I am looking forward to virtually seeing and hearing from you through answering questions, emailing of your participation in community events, or informing of new changes in the healthcare arena. SFHIMA is here for you with dedication and passion to advance the walls of Health Information Management. As your leader, thank you for entrusting me.


Now, let’s make this a great year in healthcare advancements!

Angela McGahee, MBA, RHIA 


SFHIMA President

The South Florida Health HIM Association covers professionals in:



© 2021 South Florida Health Information Management Association